Staring Into Success

世人都晓神仙好, 惟有功名忘不了!
任劳员工古来多, 忠诚企业谁见了?

– 曹雪芹的好了歌李咪版

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Staring Into Growth

The best advice I can give is to be curious, lean into opportunities and seek mentorship. Instead of pursuing the destination directly, focus on the elements, i.e. your growth in functional skills mastery, overall competency, culture, leadership, influence and impact.

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Staring Into Laughter

If you’re unsure how to incorporate more laughter into your work life, start small. Share a funny story at the beginning of a meeting, or try to find ways to make work-related tasks more enjoyable. I host Friday Wins & Losses every week with my teams to celebrate with laughter the wins and losses we experienced together throughout the week. Don’t be afraid to bring a little laughter into the office. It might just be the key to finding your happy place and improving your overall well-being.

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